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Service Provider Trainings



Working in the homelessness system is challenging, but can also be very rewarding. Individuals that are served through our system often face tremendous barriers to success, have experienced struggles that seem unfathomable, and often have their own trauma that manifests in various detrimental ways. This work is not easy, but with the appropriate training and supports, we develop a holistic safety net that propels individuals and families towards success.


The trainings listed here have been identified as priorities by current homeless service providers. Homeward works with both the Iowa Balance of State, our state-wide counterpart, as well as the Homeward Service Council to determine which trainings to prioritize on an annual basis. While we will do our best to keep this site updated, trainings will be published in our bi-monthly newsletter. Please sign up for that newsletter here.


Please contact Amy Croll if you are interested in joining the Service Council.

Recommended Foundational Trainings

Resources are evolving and will be added as they are vetted by the Service Council. To suggest a training for consideration, please contact Amy Croll.


Further Learning Recommendations

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