Community Vision & Planning

Homeward takes a system-wide approach to homelessness in Polk County by looking at all pieces of the puzzle, identifying community gaps, and leading innovative solutions. We disseminate homelessness data and resources, enabling the Polk County community to engage in partnerships toward ending homelessness. Homeward operates as a hub of strategic planning and expertise on homelessness in these ways:
We work in collaboration with over 100 homelessness organizations and community agencies to set a coordinated approach to ending homelessness.
We distribute $4.5 million in federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding for community homeless services.
We support hardworking homelessness organizations across our county with best practices, training, and problem-solving.
We partner to collect and analyze data on homelessness in Polk County to make decisions on services and monitor goals.
We advocate and share information with local officials to build systemic, long-term solutions to homelessness and affordable housing.

In 2019, Homeward worked with partners, community members, and city and county officials to create a community vision and plan for the homeless system in Polk County.
To learn about the needs of our community and how we can work together to end homelessness, check out The Path Forward - Community Plan